Merit Investment Management


Financial Planning

MERIT's comprehensive financial advisory service includes:

1) Financial Planning, 2) Investment Management and 3) Financial Advisory 

Investment Management

Financial Planning

MERIT develops a comprehensive Financial Plan to assess a client's financial situation and build future projections.

MERIT's Interactive Financial Plan capture's a client's entire financial situation via an integrated, shared web portal.

​​Investment Management

MERIT utilizes each client's financial plan to define & implement an investment strategy to build long term wealth.

MERIT manages all aspects of investing client accounts to generate the highest risk-adjusted returns.

Financial Advisory

MERIT advises on all client financial items such as savings strategies, debt management, insurance, real estate, etc.

MERIT answers financial questions, provides referrals for tax & legal services and builds a communication strategy.


Step 1: Introductory Discussion - :20-:30 minutes

  • Discuss the client's financial situation & objectives.

  • Provide an overview of MERIT’s services & explain how we can add value for you

  • Identify action items for your situation & discuss the next steps 

Step 2: Client Information Discovery & MERIT's Interactive Financial Plan - :60 minutes

  • Capture client information to create an initial draft Interactive Financial Plan
  • Gather client investment account information to review current investment strategy

  • Discuss MERIT's services, investment strategy, account logistics and other topics

Step 3: Review Interactive Financial Plan & MERIT Proposed Investment Strategy - :60 minutes

  • Review a first draft of the client's Interactive Financial Plan complete with financial projections
  • Discuss the current investment strategy findings & MERIT's new proposed investment strategy
  • Finalize any initial questions or discussion items & next steps to get started

Financial Advisory

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